Stefan WeathersNov 21, 2022SermonsThe People's Pulpit Presents: "Your Diet is a Game Changer"In this sermon Rev. Stef breaks down how the importance of the physical diet helps us understand the importance of the spiritual diet. It...
Stefan WeathersNov 21, 2022SermonsThe People's Pulpit Presents: "Knuck if You Buck!"In this sermon Rev. Stef sets up understanding what John 18 has to say to us based on the infamous song "Kunck if You Buck" by Crime Mob....
Stefan WeathersNov 21, 2022SermonsSermon: "What Happened to You Does Not Define You" - John 4:1-7Recording of sermon preached at St. Stephen African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Liberty, NC Sunday, October 9, 2022. Stop...